Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Black and White Colobus Monkey

Species: Black and White Colobus monkey
Habitat: Congo Forest  
Status: Least Concern
DAK Locale: Pangani Forest

The black and white colobus monkeys are common throughout the African rain forest. They very rarely venture to the ground. In fact, it is possible some of them never set foot on the jungle floor throughout their entire lives. They do not need to even drink from rivers and ponds. Water collected in the leaves they eat is enough.

For the most, colobus monkeys eat leaves. However, they also eat fruits, flowers and even certain types of bark. Their stomachs are unusual in that they have two compartments. It is similar to ruminants (such as cows), kangaroos and sloths and is unique in the primate world.

These monkeys live in groups of three to fifteen individuals. Babies are born snow white in color. The groups are highly social calling out to one another in the forest as the thick vegetation can often block visual contact. Grooming is important like with most social primates.

Black and white colobus monkeys are not deemed endangered as a whole. However, locally some populations are due to the fur trade and deforestation.

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