Monday, July 27, 2015

Spiny Devil Walkingstick

Species: Spiny Devil Walkingstick
Habitat: Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and the Solomon Islands
Status: Not Listed
DAK Locale: Rafiki's Planet Watch

There is little doubt as to how this huge insect got its name. It lives in the forests of the some of the islands of Australasia and due its camouflage can be quite difficult to spot. But its so large (sometimes as much as 15 cm) it is often called the New Guinean land lobster. The legs are used by local fisherman as hooks.

Like all stick insects, these guys are vegetarians eating leaves and the like. They have very strong mandibles for pulling apart vegetation. They mostly feed at night using the protection of their camouflage during the day. They will form groups and will even migrate from foraging area to foraging area, an unusual behavior for this family of insects.

They are not listed by the IUCN, however there are some dangers to this species. Most importantly is of course, habitat destruction as the native forests of the area are its home. It is also commonly taken as a pet.

By Safari Mike